Islamic Date
16 Thu al-Hijjah1442
English Date
25 July2021
Hadith Online
Ahadith are the sayings and deeds of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad(peace be upon him). In addition they also include his tacit approval of what others did. Ahadith are considered a part of revelation in addition to the Quran.
Ghazwa without the Prophet
Your Guards
The Three Filters
Treasures for Women
Don't Tempt
The Reward of Saving a Life
The Sunnah Muakkadah Prayers
Ten, Ten, Ten, Ten and Ten
Harmful Gathering
The Remittance of Illness
Scot Free is Scary
Profitable Days
He Will Never Reject You
The Dark Cheeked Woman
Charity Begins at Home
Hoors and Women
A Glance with Love
A Message for All Times
The Magnanimity of Prophets
Habits of Tongue
Living Among Non-Muslims
Comfortable with the Mushrikeen
How to Gain Wisdom
As You Befriend So Shall You Be
How to Take Good News and Compliments
The Ring Describing Dunya
Stones are Thrown at Laden Trees
The Blessing of the Pious Woman
Traits of a Great Woman
A Hundred Gatherings with the Prophet
Black Flags from Khorasan
Crawl Over Snow
Headquarters During the Great Battle
Your Constant Companions
Deeds Weighed Not Counted
How to Increase Pleasantness with Family
Generosity in Sale, Purchase and Judgment
The Thrashing of the Prince
Reminding Recipients of One's Favours
Seventy Blunders a Day
Retaliation for Even a Tooth Stick Beating
Accusing a Servant
Six Months of Anticipation Then Too Much Salt
The Recitation of Abdullah bin Masoud
The Prayer of Abdullah bin Masoud
Blessed Abdullah bin Masoud
Truthful Abu Dharr
Monastic Abu Dharr
Adversities for the Sake of Allah
The Stranger
The Traveler on the Bridge
Keeping a Lighter Burden for the Siraat
How to Obtain Trueness to Allah
Sultan Murad Leads His Prayer
The Shepherd's Six Points
The Foolish Man with Eesa
The Infant Negates the Mother
Intentions Most Important
The Pious Barber
Haritha bin al-Numan's Rope
Haritha bin al-Numan's Date Bowl
Stones in Purse
The Rising of the Prayers
The Importance of Prayer
Worse than Adultery
Hatim's Complaint
Even Patients Would Make It
Rabie Comes for Success
Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak's Parents
Ibn al-Mubarak's Hajj
Secret Charity
The Muslim Zoroastrians
Check in Childhood
Hold to the Sunnah with Your Teeth
Flee from the People of Innovation
Battle and Hajj in Alternate Years
The Friend's Neighbour's Brother
Orchard in Exchange for Jamaat
Hearts a Part of Allah's Plan
My Role in Famine, Oppression, Corruption, Assault
The Promised Enemy
Islam is for Everybody
Who's Better?
Jalal-ud-Deen's Dream
Temur's Audience is Sought
Early Morning Special
The Early Bird Gets the Worm
Speed Bump for Rizq
Friday Bath
Direct Dial
Our Rulers Reflect Our Deeds
Five Acts Five Consequences
The Greatest Surah
The Deterioration of Muslim Character
The Princess and the Laundress's Son
Walking in Light
Welcome My Chief!
Gain the Reward of Prophet Ayyub
Questions in an Exam