14 February 2014 CE | 12 Rabbi al-Thanni 1435 AH

Hadith Explanation

First Place Holders

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The Mufarridoon have taken precedence.” [Mishkaat]

Mulla Ali Qari, in his commentary on Mishkaat entitled Mirqaat, states that Mufarridoon means: “Those who do not derive pleasure, except in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala and do not enjoy bounties, except with gratitude to Him.”

The people who take first place in the Akhirah are those who do not derive pleasure in the world except in the remembrance of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). They enjoy the company of their wives and children, food and drink, business and homes, only after they take Allah’s name. They only enjoy the blessings of the world together with obedience to Allah. They regard no blessing as a blessing until and unless they express gratitude for it to Allah Ta’ala.

Imam an-Nawawi in his commentary on Sahih Muslim while explaining this hadith cites another narration explaining that the Mufarridoon are “those who experience ecstasy while engaged in Dhikr.”

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